Welcome to my very weird and silly store!

Obligatory animated .gif

Is your geometry even sacred, bro?!?

Now's your chance to own some dirty hippie paraphernalia that you can attach to your vagagbond bag or drug rug jacket... or ironically, your flower of life hat or Traktor setup. Khromata is multi-talented, she not only DJs, but she also makes stupid stuff that people seem to like--she is the original creator of this ridiculous headier-than-thou meme, is now offering this item for sale in both buttons and stickers, and soon to be shirts!!!
To start, I'm doing a limited edition set of twenty-five 1.25" buttons for you to pin (ironically) on your flower of life hat. I will have fifty 2.50"x2.25" stickers with vinyl UV coating (good for both indoor in your hippie den and outdoors at your music festivals). Can be placed on computers, the backs of yuppies, your bong, or wherever things stick.
How can you own a piece of ironic cool?
Follow instructions *before* dabbing:
5 U.S dollars per button (1.25" button; includes shipping in U.S)
5 U.S dollars per sticker (2.50"x 2.50" , high quality clear polyester coating, includes shipping in U.S)
10 U.S dollars gets ya 3 stickers or buttons, mix and match!
15 dollars gets ya 4 stickers or buttons, you can mix and match!
If you want to order more, please contact me directly!
Please paypal below and I will have them shipped out within 1-2 business days beginning April 22nd, 2015. Generally, I do not accept bartering, unless it's for unreleased music or a cocktail. Thank you <3
$ 5 USD
Order either a sticker or button. Please indicate in notes which item you want! Inclues shipping in continental U.S.
$ 10 USD
3 stickers or 3 buttons or mix and match! Indicate in notes in check out. Includes shipping in continental U.S.
$ 15 USD
4 stickers or 4 buttons or mix and match! Indicate in notes in check out. Includes shipping in continental U.S.

Want more than the quantities offered above? Perhaps you want to gift them at Burning Man, or throw them at hippies at your next transformational festival? Contact me for bulk orders at eileenlewis @ gmail . com. Subject should be:
Re: I want more schwag!
Back Story!
Last year when I was unemployed I found I had a lot of time on my hands. So my hands wouldn't turn into the devil's play things, I thought I'd start a little store online called Iriereverent (Irie + irreverent). I created all these silly designs that I was going to put on shirts, mugs, hats, etc. Then life hit again, and the idea got swept under the rug--until now.
I recently re-discovered my Iriereverent designs and shared them on Facebook. I used internet memes such as the famous "doge" and irreverently applied them to the sacred, such as the doge mandala and chakra doge amongst other silliness!
Having been to transformational festivals and other hippie shindigs, I realized how popular sacred geometry had become, especially the now ubiquitous flower of life. Along with the popularity of bro, do you even? and scumbag type memes, I was walking along one day and this popped into my head:"Is your geometry even sacred, bro?" I thought, damn, that would make a great shirt!
Scumbag flower of life was born!
So this image I made last year has been making the rounds on Facebook and Reddit, and its popularity made me realize that I really should make some irreverent ridiculous hippie schwag.
Note, I have intentionally decided not to put my www.khromata.net website on any of the buttons or stickers. It would be such a great opportunity for me to do that, but I felt the better choice would be to leave it as is, but feel free to visit my website in the meantime!Thank you for your support.
The buttons and pins will be ready to send out on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015.
Thanks and love and light, bro !!!